It's Not You.  Daylight Savings Wrecks your Sleep Health. 6 Ways to Fight Back

It's Not You. Daylight Savings Wrecks your Sleep Health. 6 Ways to Fight Back

“Spring forward.” One of the worst sentences ever said in the United States because it can mean only one thing: Daylight Savings is here. Conceptually, losing an hour shouldn’t be that big of a dea...
Tom Brady’s Mental Toughness: 4 Principles He Relies On

Tom Brady’s Mental Toughness: 4 Principles He Relies On

If you've ever wanted to tap into the legendary mindset of Tom Brady and see how you can apply it to your life check out these four principles.
Why You’re Tired - and What to Do About It

Why You’re Tired - and What to Do About It

According to the CDC, one in three adults don’t get enough sleep. And between hectic work days, excessive screen time and the stressors of life, it’s not hard to imagine why.  Fatigue is usually th...
Manage Stress with Deep Breathing

Manage Stress with Deep Breathing

Focusing on our breath in stressful situations is a simple way to calm our mind. Here's how you can get started...
5 Tips to Prevent Headaches

5 Tips to Prevent Headaches

Is there anything worse than feeling a headache come on? A pounding headache is an annoyance at best. But at its worst, headaches can completely interrupt your daily life with extreme light sensiti...
5 Habits To Add To Your Morning Routine

5 Habits To Add To Your Morning Routine

Creating a healthy morning routine improves mood, boosts productivity, reduces stress, and sets a good tone for the rest of the day. Getting in the right mindset doesn’t take long and will help you...
6 Ways to Keep Your Brain Young as You Age

6 Ways to Keep Your Brain Young as You Age

Far too many of us zero in on the body and forget about the brain. If you want to perform at a high level for as long as possible, training your brain is not just a helpful add-on — it’s essential...
Transform Your Mental Toughness With The TB12 Mindset

Transform Your Mental Toughness With The TB12 Mindset

“The right mindset and attitude give us opportunities to do the best we can and to realize the potential that’s in every one of us.” - Tom Brady Tom Brady’s legendary mindset and mental toughness ...
Six Ways to Reduce Your Screen Time (And Why You Should)

Six Ways to Reduce Your Screen Time (And Why You Should)

The average American is surrounded by screens almost all day – between your work computer, personal smartphone or tablet, and the living room television, screens are impossible to escape. It's not...