5 Functional Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing

5 Functional Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing

Runners are really good at moving in one direction, but this overload in the sagittal plane often leads to poor hip stability and glute facilitation. Long term these deficits can lead to compensations in movement patterns and eventually injury. The exercises below help to facilitate the glute, core, and single leg dynamic stability that is crucial for any runner. As always do not forget to foam roll before and after.

01 Lateral Band Walks

2×15 steps each side

This exercise helps to facilitate your gluteus medius muscle which is the muscle that helps to keep your hips level as you run. By facilitating your gluteus medius you will improve your dynamic hip stability allowing you to run with better form.

02 Step-Ups

3×12 each side

This exercise works your all your glute muscles especially your gluteus maximus the biggest muscle in your body. By strengthening your gluteus maximus it will improve your running power and endurance.

03 Anterior Reach

3×6 each side

The anterior reach facilitates core, spine, and hip stabilizing muscles, while also working on your single leg balance. This exercise is a must have in any runner’s repertoire, and will help you feel more control and stability while running.

04 Front Plank

3×30 seconds

Having a strong core is what allows you to stay upright during runs especially long runs when you get tired. The front plank works the core abdominal muscles as well as your back extensor muscles that help you maintain good posture. Building up your endurance with the front plank is a great way to help maintain good running form for long distance runs.

05 Heiden Hops

3×8 each side

If you think about it, running is just a series of forward single leg hops. The heiden hop helps to train the hip and knee stabilizing muscles that are used during running but in a different way since heiden hops are done side-to-side. This will help you keep good knee position and level hips while running.

It’s more important than ever to tailor your training to the demands of your sport. This is what we like to call training at the speed of sport, and it’s essential to playing your best. To prepare for game day, your training needs to include movements that prime your muscles and your mind with simulating in-game activities. For more sport-specific exercises you can do at home, check out our TB12 Sports YouTube channel.