Elevate Your Training With 4 Workouts You Can Do Anytime, Anywhere

Elevate Your Training With 4 Workouts You Can Do Anytime, Anywhere

We love resistance bands because they allow for training with a large, fluid range of motion that improves your functional strength, stability, and mobility without overloading your muscles and jo...
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Four Healthy Benefits of Training With A Jumprope

If you’re looking to improve your agility, quickness, and coordination without fancy equipment or a gym membership, all you need is a jump rope! It’s the ultimate at-home tool for developing faster...
5 Functional Exercises Every Baseball and Softball Player Should be Doing

5 Functional Exercises Every Baseball and Softball Player Should be Doing

Season On Hold? With the season currently on hold, now is the perfect time for baseball and softball players to establish a new focus on functional strength and work to correct the muscular imbala...
Why We Train at the Speed of Sport

Why We Train at the Speed of Sport

AS WE DIVE back into the in-season, it’s more important than ever to tailor your training to the demands of your sport. This is what we like to call training at the speed of sport, and it’s essent...
5 Healthy Benefits of Listening to Music

5 Healthy Benefits of Listening to Music

Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, pain, and blood pressure, as well as improve your sleep, mood, and mental alertness.
Tom Brady’s Go-To Playlist

Tom Brady’s Go-To Playlist

Tom Brady knows a thing or two about getting pumped up. After 20 seasons of professional football, he has developed a meticulous routine that helps him prepare both physically and mentally for the ...
The Impact of a Positive Mindset on Your Health and Immune System

The Impact of a Positive Mindset on Your Health and Immune System

Stress looks different for different situations, and the responses can even differ between people. For example, a broken leg (physiological stress) can be a stressor on the body, and preparing for ...
5 Functional Exercises Every Hockey Player Should be Doing

5 Functional Exercises Every Hockey Player Should be Doing

Ice hockey is a dynamic, fast-paced, and physical game that requires a unique combination of strength, balance, and power. Hockey players have to be able to prepare themselves for the speed and ph...
3 Simple Ways to Start Forming Healthy Habits

3 Simple Ways to Start Forming Healthy Habits

Think about the things you did today Your entire day is riddled with decisions: Do I take the stairs or the elevator? Should I have a salad for lunch or just eat a sandwich? Do I go for a run now...