Protein is a foundational cornerstone of health and performance. It always has been. It always will be. And for good reason. Protein influences nearly every physiological process in the human body in some shape or form.
You can’t mention protein without turning the conversation to muscle mass and strength performance. There’s a reason. The scientific literature has been examining the effects of protein consumption on muscle health and performance so long that there are specific daily reference ranges relative to body weight and goals. The research has even found how often protein should be eaten throughout the day and how much to promote optimal anabolic conditions.
But to only focus on muscle health and performance would be short-sighted. For example, protein is essential for bone health, neurotransmitter synthesis, and hormone production. The list continues to grow as the research continues to drill deeper into the benefits of protein consumption.
Fortunately, these benefits are not exclusive to meat-eaters like they once were. Plant-based protein options have started to stake their claim in the supplement space. But, like all other markets, not all products are created equal.
Consideration of some important factors will help ensure you get the best product out there and maximize your protein benefits.
Amino Acid Profile
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are the drivers of the various physiological responses happening when you eat protein. They are divided into three main groups, Non-essential, semi-essential, and essential.
Non-essential amino acids can be made in the body through a variety of processes. Semi-essential straddle the line between non-essential and essential. Under normal conditions, these amino acids are made in the body through the same pathways as non-essential. They become essential when the body starts to experience high amounts of stress. During these times, their demands rise and need to be ingested to keep up with the demand.
Essential amino acids are a group of nine amino acids that cannot be made in the body and need to be ingested. Some protein sources, especially plant-based protein sources, do not contain all of the essential amino acids. For example, wheat protein completely lacks a third of the essential amino acids. Pea protein, on the other hand, contains all nine.
Selecting protein sources with all nine essential amino acids helps to support the multiple physiological processes that depend on them.
Protein is more than just a stack of amino acids. The source matters.
Some proteins are associated with allergens. Soy, gluten, dairy, and egg intolerances are common. Plant protein sources, like pea protein, serve as a good source for amino acids that avoid allergy complications.
Digestibility is extremely important. You are only as good as the nutrients that you absorb. Some protein sources are also more easily digested than others. As a whole, animal sources of protein are some of the best digested amino acids out there. But, that does not mean plant-based sources aren’t on the level.
A 2022 study compared the digestibility of pea protein to casein protein in healthy volunteers. Researchers concluded that pea protein isolate had similar digestibility to casein protein.
At the end of the day, one of the most important things is how well the protein supports the goals you are chasing. Whey protein has long been the gold standard protein for supporting muscle mass and performance. Recently, its hold on the crown has started to be challenged.
In a 2019 study, men and women supplemented with either 24 g of whey or pea protein for an 8-week training cycle. At the end of the eight weeks, researchers found no differences in deadlift or back squat performance, despite both groups improving against their baseline performance.
These findings support a more recent study examining the effects of whey and pea protein supplementation on body composition and strength performance. By the completion of the study, subjects in both groups improved measures of strength and muscle mass without any differences between the two groups.
The Nutrition Facts Panel and Ingredient List
You don’t have to compromise dietary preferences to nutritionally support your goals. Stick to your requirements and needs. Take extra care to check the nutritional facts panel and the ingredient list when selecting a plant-based protein.
A quality plant-based protein should stack up against an animal-based protein like whey. The calorie count should sit between 100 and 150 calories per serving. Each serving should have at least 20 g of protein with minimal fat.
Plant proteins naturally come from sources of carbohydrates. Choosing a protein source that is naturally low in carbohydrates and has zero added sugars is a must.
When looking at the ingredient list, the shorter the better. Be on the lookout for artificial sweeteners, GMO-derived ingredients, and preservatives.
Finally, you should enjoy it. Food science has come too far to not enjoy your supplements. If you find yourself forcing each dose, scrap it.
With these guidelines in mind, TB12 Nutrition formulated TB12 Plant-Based Protein, a superior plant-based protein to support optimal health and performance.