How to Use Music to Boost Your Running Performance

How to Use Music to Boost Your Running Performance

There are a number of health benefits from music, but did you know choosing the right music while running can actually boost your performance? When listening to music your brain subliminally synchr...
5 Tips to Increase Endurance for Runners

5 Tips to Increase Endurance for Runners

Whether you're running inside on a treadmill or training for an ultra-marathon, these tips can help you increase your running endurance and stamina.
Essential Pre-Run Warm-Up Tips

Essential Pre-Run Warm-Up Tips

Warming up properly activates your muscles, preventing injury and priming your body for better form. Check out these essential pre-run warm-up tips.
Post Run Recovery: How To Recover Faster After A Run

Post Run Recovery: How To Recover Faster After A Run

Here at TB12, we always say that training and recovery are two halves of a whole and that you need to put as much effort into recovery as you put into training to fully maximize the impact of both....