
Vibrating Pliability Devices: How To Get Started on the Path to Pliability
WITH TOM BRADY now in his 22nd NFL season, it’s a great time to reflect upon the role of pliability — what Tom calls the “missing leg” of most strength and conditioning programs — in helping him ex...

Unlock a Pain-Free Upper Body With Our Vibrating Pliability Mini Sphere
IF YOU'RE READY TO COMMIT to working on your pliability, you need the TB12 Vibrating Pliability Mini Sphere. It's the ultimate tool for developing muscle pliability in hard-to-reach areas, is small...

How To Set Up Your Home Gym The TB12 Way
Setting up a home gym just isn’t what it used to be. You don’t need to clutter your basement with dumbbells, squat racks, and big pieces of fancy equipment – and you certainly don’t need to spend ...

5 Functional Exercises Every Baseball and Softball Player Should be Doing
Season On Hold?
With the season currently on hold, now is the perfect time for baseball and softball players to establish a new focus on functional strength and work to correct the muscular imbala...

Train Your Brain For Pliability — Change Your Body
IN THE PURSUIT of peak performance, too many of us zero in on the body and forget about the brain.
However, if you want to perform at a high level for as long as possible, training your brain is ...

At-Home Pliability: How to Get Started
At-Home pliability is great for your body in many ways, especially for anyone who lives an active lifestyle and wants to make recovery a priority. Pliability work is manual body...

How Do I Create Muscle Memory?
"Muscle Memory" is a common phrase, and is what many people call their physical reflexes and reactions.
Our muscles really do remember — our brain learns how our muscles should work in certain sit...

What’s the Difference Between Flexibility, Mobility, and Pliability?
AS A LIFELONG athlete, you spend a lot of your time looking for answers. That means sifting through a lot of information, a lot of science, and a lot of opinions that don’t always match up with on...