Use These 3 Exercises to Improve Your Posture

Use These 3 Exercises to Improve Your Posture

If you’re reading this on your computer or phone you probably need to fix your posture! When you spend a long time working at a desk, it can cause muscular imbalances.

Bad posture can result in chronic neck and back pain, rounded shoulders, and tight hips. However, it’s not too late to fix your posture! There are certain movements that help to improve your posture, alleviate lower back pain, and reduce the impact of sitting all day. In this video, you'll walk through a few quick exercises you can do throughout the day to help you sit a little taller.

  1. Pec Roll Out with Sphere: Grab your TB12 Vibrating Pliability Sphere and find a flat wall. Roll out your chest area for one minute.
  2. Banded Rows: Grab your TB12 Handle Bands. Drive your elbows back and drive your shoulder blades down and back. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Repeat 3 times.
  3. Scapular Retractions: Grab your TB12 Long Looped Band. Keep tension in band and pinch shoulder blades together. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Repeat 3 times.

We work with a lot of people who spend 8+ hours every day sitting at a desk and have chronic neck and back pain, rounded shoulders, and tight hips, and almost all of them seem to think that working a desk job means you’re resigned to this kind of pain and imbalance. The reality is that you can do a few exercises every day and help your body reverse the impact of constant sitting – especially by focusing on improving your pliability. your upper body mobility and posture, core strength, and glute activation.